Do you love doing business but hate doing sales?​

Does the word “sales” conjure up images of cold calling and cringeworthy conversations?

Would you rather stick pins in your eyes than bring up the subject of money when talking to potential clients?​

My Free 5 Day Sales Challenge could be for you
Learn how to confidently convert leads without being pushy

This 5 day challenge will help you get over the fear and get good at sales

Sign up to be notified of my next Free 5 Day Sales Challenge

This challenge is for people who have had no formal sales training and so far have just been winging it. They want to be able to convert a lead and hold a sales conversation like the badass business owner they know they can be.

This challenge is for people who know what they want but know they need a friendly kick up the bum to make it happen.

During my Free 5 Day Challenge you won’t just learn my entire sales process from beginning to end, you’ll also learn how to master your mindset so that you can actually implement what you’ve learned and start converting more leads straight away.

How the challenge will work

You will be invited to join a private Facebook group where all your fellow like-minded sales hating new business buddies will be waiting for you!

I’ll show up every day and give you a mini-task to get going with and you can post your progress or stumbling blocks in the group.

You don't get to join the challenge and sit back, so only sign up if you’re ready and willing to roll your sleeves up and learn how to make those sales, the easy way.

If you want in on the Free “Sales Without The Sleaze” 5 Day Challenge this is what we’ll be covering.

Day 1

Get out of the mindset of selling. Selling is not your business. You want to help your clients make the decision that's right for them. It feels cleaner.

Day 2

Why you need a structure. Winging it is not a long term sales strategy.

Day 3

Design your sales structure around what your dream clients really need to know to be able to say yes.

Day 4

Structuring a sales conversation. What you discover when you really listen to what potential clients say.

Day 5

Agreeing next steps. What to do if your potential client didn't say yes…..yet.

This challenge is only for you if:

What would your business look like right now if you weren’t being held back by fear?

What if I told you that you could have all your biggest dreams and that I’ve got the tools to help you get them but that you need to do the “work”. By work I don't mean extra tasks. If you’re already feeling overstretched and overwhelmed you don't need another plate to spin. By the “work” I mean taking a good hard, honest look at what it is that's holding you back. Who you really want to be. How we can simplify things and get shit done.

This 5 Day Challenge isn't about fluff and about passing the time while you “play” at being in business. This is a no messing around, taking action, figuring out a structure, kicking ass and taking names kind of challenge. If you never sign up for another 5 day challenge this is the one you don't want to miss

What are you waiting for?

I’ll see you in the challenge!

By agreeing to sign up to this challenge you also agree to receive marketing emails from Beyond Boundaries Coaching. You can opt out of these emails at any time.

© Beyond Boundaries Coaching Limited. Company Registration 10484731

Join today

Enter your name and email address below to join the 5-day Sales Conversion Challenge!