FREE 5 Day Challenge Reveals How Established Service Based Business Owners can Start to Go All In On Growing Their Business by Learning the Secrets To End Faffing and Create Ruthless Laser Focus

Join the FREE Stop Faffing Challenge and learn how you can get more done with less effort by pinpointing what your focus needs to be, ditching the stuff that distracts you and creating a structure that works for you



I’ll be showing up daily to give you a simple action to complete – all you need to do is complete it and post your progress or stumbling blocks in the group.

Each task will take around 15 minutes and I’ll be on hand to help, support and answer questions.

You don’t get to join the challenge and sit back, so only sign up if you’re ready and willing to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in.

Hosted by: Jacqui Jagger

Jacqui Jagger

Founder Of The Anti-Faffing Collective

Nice to meet you. I’m Jacqui, and I’m not your average business coach. I work with rule breakers and mischief makers who are ready to get out of their own way and get shit done.

Over the last few years I've helped hundreds of business owners kick the faffing habit, get focused and make progress.

Sick of productivity hacks that don’t work?

Maybe you’ve tried the stuff you think I’m going to teach you? Stuff like blocking your diary, working in 25 minute sprints, batching tasks?

Or maybe they work for you some of the time and you can’t figure out why they don’t work all the time?

Maybe you’re feeling like you should be able to sort this by yourself? After all, you’re smart, switched on and capable. When you worked for someone else you didn’t have this problem…

Then this challenge is a great starting point to challenge your misconceptions and understand the principles of what I teach.

It's my 5-day Stop Faffing Challenge running across Monday to Friday where you'll be with fellow frustrated faffers ready to get unstuck.

I’m not about cookie cutter approaches, I’m about fundamental basic principles. The more you understand about why you faff about the easier it gets to find the right way to do something about it.

By which I mean the right way for you. Which may or may not be the same as the right way for me.

All I ask is that you commit, give me 5 days and go all in... you up for the challenge?

One last step...

50% complete...

Please enter your details below and wait for the next page to load where you’ll get access to the private Facebook group for the challenge.

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