Non-Ruthless Ambition

A coaching programme to take you from stuck to unstoppable in 12 transformational weeks

Are you ready to commit to yourself, stop playing small and start reaching your potential?

My simple but proven process will help you create clarity, build your confidence and calm the chatter from the Mind Monkeys 🐒🐒🐒

The result? A true sense of conviction about who you are and what you’re capable of that will change the game

Q: Who is This For?

A: Established service based business owners who are lacking the conviction to go after what they REALLY want and make it happen for themselves

• You know you can make good money – but you don’t trust yourself to do it every month

If a key client walks away or your next launch is a flop, it could all change overnight. Even when your pipeline looks good, a part of you asks ‘yeah, but what if it runs out?’. You know you’re good at what you do but running a business feels like a roller coaster

• However well you do, you can’t help comparing yourself to others

You’re surrounded by people who seem to be smashing it and you’re not sure if you should be pushing yourself harder or accepting that what they have is beyond your reach. It feels like they’re launching something new every five minutes and you can’t work out why it doesn’t work when you do it

• Your biggest fear is that you won’t fulfil your potential

Deep down in your bones, you KNOW you could be making more money. But you’re scared of what it will take out of you to make that a reality. But then you also hate the idea of looking back in a few years from now with the regret of knowing you didn’t go for it

Hi, I’m Jacqui, AKA The Mind Monkey Tamer

I came to coaching after a career in retail. Expecting my focus to be on business coaching, I quickly recognised that there was very little correlation between what people knew and what they would actually do

Too often, doubts and fears rather than lack of ability were getting in the way of clients fulfilling their potential

Brilliant people with the capacity to do great things were holding themselves back because the mind monkey chatter was getting in the way

It doesn’t have to be like that

When you know what’s going on and you can anticipate the tactics the mind monkeys 🐒 will use (because they are sneaky blighters at times), you can tame their impact and magnify yours

If you’re ready to overcome your fears and commit to yourself and your dreams then now if your time

I’d love you to join me

Non-Ruthless Ambition

A 12 Week Programme for Established Business Owners Who Want to Skyrocket Their Success Without Burning Out By Learning How to Tame Their Mind Monkeys

• Gain Clarity And Leave Overwhelm Behind

When you know what you want, why it matters to you and how to keep things simple, the feeling of overwhelm and constant firefighting gets left behind and replaced with a cool, calm focus and sense of purpose. Decisions (even the biggies) get easier and your energy shifts

• Unapologetically Embrace Your Financial Ambitions

You started out wanting freedom. Making megabucks has never been your driver. But now you've made some money, it's time to admit what you want. And that includes owning the decision you want to consistently earn more

• Dial Down the Hustle Factor

Earning more doesn't have to mean working more. In fact clients nearly always work less as a result of being focused rather than scattergun. When you tame your mind monkeys, it means switching off at the end of the day can actually MEAN switching off. And taking time to spend with family and friends can include enjoying the moment

• Be Proud of You

Be the role model you want to be for your kids. Prove the naysayers who suggested you should get a "proper job" wrong. But most of all give up on the habit of giving up and make the decision to prove to yourself just how much you're capable of and how brilliant you are

How is this different?

Are you sitting wondering to yourself…

How is this different to other programmes and courses I’ve done before?

Well, here’s the deal…

Non-Ruthless Ambition is NOT about teaching you business strategy, marketing or the best tactics to use for a launch. It’s a personal development journey like no other

It takes the focus off WHAT you need to do and puts the emphasis on WHO you need to be

It’s practical but also magical and I’ve designed it that way based on years of experience of working with business owners who already knew more than enough but were holding themselves back from stepping into their full potential

Using my unique framework of Clarity, Confidence and Committed Action, you’ll develop a deep sense of Courage & Inner Conviction about what’s possible for you

Are you ready?
Then grab these fast action bonuses:

Group Planning Workshop to set you up for success in 2022

Held in December, this workshop will give you clarity about how you want 2022 to look and what the priorities need to be if you’re going to make it happen

Join Now and Pay in Four Instalments Rather than Three

Spread the cost of the programme over four months. This applies for either the group or VIP 1:1 option 


Non-Ruthless Ambition will Help You To Tame Your Mind Monkeys, Get Out of Your Own Way, plus...

  • Setting the Right Goals: I’ll share how using different goal types for different situations can change the game when it comes to what you want to achieve
  • Understanding Your Energy: when you shift from managing your time to managing your energy you’ll never go back!
  • Deep Dive Into the Impact of External Validation: you’ll learn how to become the one who decides whether you’re good enough rather than relying on results or other people to dictate how you feel
  • Ditch the Avoidance Habit: sometimes it’s tough to act based on what’s important rather than what’s easy. I’ll help you build a habit of committed action that creates momentum
  • Face Your Fears: The more you put your fears under a spotlight the more you’ll realise most of them are unfounded


You can take the slow route, going it alone. Or speed up your Mind Monkey Taming skills by working with me 

Your Investment: 


Private Group Option

January Start 


1:1 VIP Option

Immediate Start 

How does it work?

Phase 1 – Clarity

Until you have clarity, you won’t have the bandwidth for the cool, calm focus that will see you making the progress you deserve. We’ll identify what really matters, strip the complex back to simple and create the energy shift that others will notice and comment on.

You’ll have less on your to-do list which means more headspace and more energy for what’s important. You’ll have more days where you feel in flow and your creativity will come back out to play  

Phase 2 – Confidence

It’s easy for confidence and self belief to take a knock when you haven’t been getting the results you want or need, or where you’ve been on the receiving end of criticism (from yourself or others). And it’s easy for a lack of self belief to translate to a grinding halt when it comes to taking the small but perfectly formed committed action you need to take. 


Well not on my watch…  I’ll be pushing you to stay focused and ignore distractions, and on hand on the days you need more support. You’ll be feeling the shift in sensing and believing what is possible for you

Phase 3 – Calming the Chatter

No matter how much clarity and confidence you have gained, there will be times when the Mind Monkeys will come back out to play.  They are well intentioned and want to keep you safe, but they have no clue what you’re capable of


So being able to anticipate, recognise and manage your response to them is key if you’re going to continue taking committed action long beyond our work together

Here Is Exactly What You Get

Daily Emails

I’ve made it structured and as simple as possible to take action, so you get a bite sized nugget each day with either a short task or a share of a useful resource

Weekly Calls

Whether you choose to work 1:1 or via the group option, there are weekly calls to help you cement the work you’re doing and apply it specifically to you and your business

Ask Me Anything

If a task doesn’t land or you need a sounding board you can ask questions at any time via the Facebook Group (group option) or Voxer (1:1 option)

Private Facebook Group Access

Join the private Facebook group and network with your fellow programme members, bounce ideas off each other, support one another and celebrate the shifts and wins as they happen

This what others who have worked with me said

I know you might be thinking… 

“but will this work for me?”​

Here’s how I know it will

ALL you need to do for this to work is commit to doing the work. It’s that simple.

This is not about tools, hacks or strategies for how to get better in business.

It’s about you making a commitment to yourself

If you’ve got this far down the page and you’re still hovering over the button, chances are you need it

Your Mind Monkeys might be telling you that you can’t afford it. Or that you should be able to do this on your own. I get it.

They get chattery when things feel risky

But is this actually a risk? Or is the real risk that you won’t join and a few months from now you’ll be wishing you’d taken action? 


If All This Did For You Was...

If All This Did For You Was…

Finally helped you to get clarity on what you want and why it matters…would this be worth it?

Gave you confidence and just ONE new client..would this be worth it?

Gave you the knowledge you need on how to stop the Mind Monkeys blocking your progress going forwards…would this be worth it?

YES… Of Course It Would!

Take Action & Get Started Today!