Supporting Ambitious Business Owners to Tame Their Mind Monkeys

Sick of mindset being all about manifesting and affirmations?

Know you've got it in you but your results aren't reflecting that?

Your business hasn’t taken off the way you had hoped but it’s not for lack of trying? The energy is going in one end but the money isn’t coming out of the other?

What's going on?

You’ve been putting in the hours, working your arse off, but it's all just feeling a bit 'meh'?

Are you playing around the edges and not really going all in?


If you’re ready to go all in, and you mean business (pun intended) I’m your gal.  I don’t take prisoners. Those excuses you tell yourself are reasons your business isn’t thriving won’t wash with me.  Part cheerleader, part ass kicker, part Terminatoryou came here to achieve a goal and I’m here to make sure its mission completed.

I coach business owners who want to start getting serious about their business without taking themselves seriously.

It is a big transition from employee to business owner and it takes a big mindset shift. But it doesn't stop there. As the saying goes, "new level, new devil"

Your mindset needs to keep evolving as your business does. Which can be easier said than done.

As a professional coach with more than 15 years experience helping other people grow their businesses I know exactly which questions to ask to cut right to the heart of the thing that is holding you back.

Working with me is energising and exciting. It is also going to be challenging and emotional at times. If you want to stay where you are, and you are happy with what you’ve got that’s great. If you're serious about being successful and you're ready to do the work then maybe we should talk.

P.S. Sense of humour essential. What’s the point of business if it’s not fun?