Work with me


So what you can you expect if you sign up for coaching with me and what it will cost?

Well, I’m down to earth and straightforward rather than fluffy. I don’t use big words, I have a fairly sarcastic sense of humour and I work best with people who want to make a change but don’t take themselves too seriously.

There’s more information below on how the different options work, and if you’d like to plan a free chat to find out more, you can book here.

Kickass Package

from £300 per month

My Kickass Package is a 1:1 coaching package for established service based business owners who want to dream big but get in their own way

You’ve been going a little while and you can pay yourself each month, but it feels like a lot of effort for the reward you’re getting

You’re ready to embrace your ambition, set some slightly scary goals and go after them but you’re struggling for the clarity on what that actually looks like and it’s keeping you feeling stuck

You know yourself well enough to realise that setting those slightly scary goals is likely to bring the mind monkeys out to play and without the right support they’ll put the kibosh on you following through


This is for you if…

  • You know you need to be more daring but can’t quite get yourself to do it under your own steam
  • Coming up with ideas is no problem but actually seeing them through is
  • You’ve had stuff on your list for ages that you know is important, but you keep promising yourself you’ll do it when you’ve got your ducks in a row
  • You’re turned off by the 6 figure blah blah blah messaging and cookie cutter approaches out there and just want to find the stuff that works for you 

The focus is on thinking big then translating that into small but consistent action 

How It Works


We speak either once a month or once a fortnight. In between times, there is messenger support  

When we start working together we’ll get crystal clear on your business goals (if they don’t make you a bit sick in your mouth they probably aren’t ambitious enough) 

Then we’ll translate this into some short term laser focused priorities (no more than 3) that you’ll get cracking with 

I’ll get you to complete an positive intelligence assessment and we’ll use it to figure out where you’re most likely to self sabotage and how you can handle it when the mind monkeys strike

Week in, week out I’ll be encouraging you to celebrate the progress you’re making and calling you on any BS excuses that creep in

Sounds simple but it’s not for the faint hearted…. 😉 


Pick My Brains
Power Hour

£199 per session

You might not need regular coaching. Maybe you’re just stuck on a thorny issue and need to get out of your own head? 

In that case, my power hour could be for you. These are designed to get you unstuck and raring to take action

They work best when you have a specific area you need clarity on – things like

  • Creating a sales process that feels natural rather than icky
  • Figuring out your pricing strategy
  • Getting clarity on who your ideal client is (and what to do with that information)


My approach is coaching led, so you can expect some questions to prompt your thinking and a sounding board to bounce ideas around

It costs £199 which includes a recording of the session to refer back to.