Category: Uncategorized

How to Choose the Right Coach For You 

When I was a teenager I had a friend who had more driving instructors over the space of four years than she did boyfriends. The first one was a shouter so she dumped him.  With the second they spent more

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Increase your chances of success with a superhero identity

This blog isn’t just about superhero identities.  It’s about why the label you give yourself will dictate your level of success. The day the first caveman grunted and language was born we started labelling stuff. “Cave”, “fire” “water”, “Mumpreneur” (cringe).

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Why discounting is bad for your business

Discounting is a complicated issue.  Struggling with pricing is a rite of passage for most entrepreneurs. When you reach a certain stage in business and you become more confident with the value of your services you tend to become more

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The Secret to Getting Shit Done

Faffing – the official term for doing a lot and achieving nothing.  It’s a bit like “pratting about” but faffers can convince themselves that what they’re doing is actually work even though they know and we know it’s just faffing. 

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How to Be In Outsourcing Heaven

On the first day of Business School you will have been told to outsource.  Outsource as much as you can, as quickly as you can. But how and why? Everyone will tell you how important outsourcing is. After all, it’s

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What Kind of Faffer Are You?

Procrastination, or faffing as I like to call it, can be harmless. We put off that job we don’t really want to do by instead scrolling on Facebook or flicking through Instagram. Organising all those files into folders on the

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The Art of the Side Hustle

Like many new business owners, I started my coaching business alongside a full time ‘day job’ (in my case training). It wasn’t easy but it was necessary – bills don’t pay themselves! When I look back, there are some things

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